
Our goals

  • Coordinate project-wide communication, dissemination and outreach activities to ensure project awareness, knowledge sharing and the uptake of GEARING tools and results.
  • Maximise the project ́s impact by engaging with change agents and key stakeholders in gender and equality in research and innovation across Europe.
  • Optimise the reach and visibility of the project by disseminating practical information and guidelines on methods and instruments for institutional change on gender equality within and beyond the GEARING-Roles network.
  • To facilitate collaboration and information exchange with project partners, research organisations, and other projects/networks.

Interesting Resources

Calendar 2021

You can download the digital version of the calendar here

#RiDaysEU Twitter campaign for Gender Equality

To coincide with the European Commission’s Research and Innovation (R&I) Days 19-25 September 2020, the GEARING-Roles and the GENDERACTION projects held a Twitter campaign to raise awareness about Gender Equality Plans. Participating sister projects and researchers were provided a template, and asked to Tweet about why gender equality was important their institutions under the hashtags #RiDaysEU, #ERA4Equality and #GEPs. Altogether, 147 participants made 369 posts, reaching 524,023 users who made 1,542 likes. More information is available in this report

Twitter #SpeedUpChange Campaign

In February 2021, GEARING-Roles and GENDERACTION organised a Twitter campaign #SpeedUpChange focused on identifying what public authorities could do to advance gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA). Out of the 877 tweets published under the scope of the campaign, 114 had their content analysed in this report, of which 92 referred to recommendations on what is expected from public authorities to tackle the remaining challenges in the promotion of GE in the European R&I sector, and 22 related to acknowledgements of good practices that are already in place in national and regional levels.

More information is available in this report