First GEARING-Roles Annual Conference On Recruitment, Retention and Career Progression of Women in Academia

On 27th November 2019, we hosted our first conference, on “Recruitment Retention and Career Progression of Women in Academia” which featured key note speeches, presentations and findings from related H2020 projects as well as presentations from the GEARING Roles Consortium.

Marloes Van Engen and Eduardo Ruiz

The conference was kicked off by IGOT who introduced the conference, the topic and discussed their personal experiences. Following on from this, Eduardo Ruiz presented Marloes Van Engen who gave a key note speech on “Good Intentions and Uneasy questions: Reflections on gender equality interventions in Academia” in which she discussed, Strategy and Stakeholders, Systems, Support, Stereotypes and Stamina and Sustainability.

After this, we heard from the GEARING Roles partners The University of Lisbon IGOT, Oxford Brookes University, DEUSTO, University of Ljubljana, Sabanci University and the Estonian Research Council and the main findings from their institutional assessments.

The next panel chaired by Xavier Ronald Eekhout Chicharro from FECYT on “Overcoming Resistances” saw various other projects including SAGE, PLOTINA, Supera, Cieg, presenting their findings as well as their challenges.

Dr Anne Laure Humbert from Oxford Brookes chaired the following session on “Promoting Gender Equality in Public, Private and Civil society: Good Practices and Lessons Learnt” with various experts who discussed their findings and experiences in Portugal.

Closing remarks were delivered by Maria Lucinda Fonseca from The University of Lisbon and María López Belloso from Deusto University.

The Conference also included a poster session on Women in STEM, from various organisations and projects such as Gender and University Spinouts in the UK, UNiGUAL Técnico, and DEUSTO University.

Check out what was said on the Conference by searching #GearingRolesConf on Twitter and looking up the conference on YouTube:

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