GEARING Role’s third podcast episode – Leaders Podcast.

This podcast is part 1 of 2 and discusses GEARING Roles’ mentoring activities as well as it’s commitment to leadership through two interviews.

The first interview is with Xavier Ronald Eekhout Chicharro from FECYT, in which he discusses the role of his organisation in the GEARING Roles project and what they will be doing to encourage the promotion of leadership and career progression through mentoring activities. Indeed, For the GEARING Roles project Xavi and his team have designed a mentoring programme named FELISE, which stands for Feminist LIdership in Science which will connect 30 PhD women (5 per institution and there are 6 institutions in total) who are not yet fully independent in their research and wanting to pursue a career in academia, with feminist senior researchers so they can work and reflect together about the personal and institutional barriers for career progression of women in research and how they can be addressed.

The second interview is with Zehra Sayers, a Turkish structural biologist who has worked in various universities in Turkey and across Europe and was a funding faculty member of Sabanci University which is a partner in the GEARING Roles project. In her interview, Zehra discusses her career, some of the lessons she has learnt, her relationship with leadership and what has enabled her to lead.

Listen below!

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