05 Sep GEARING ROLES Final Conference in Brussels!
The journey towards institutional change: transforming gender roles in the academia
After four wonderful years GEARING Roles will soon come to an end. To celebrate, GEARING Roles will hold its final conference called “The journey towards institutional change: transforming gender roles in the academia” in Brussels on 18th October 2022 at the Museum of Natural Sciences (Rue Vautier 29, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium)
The objectives of our conference are to:
- Present the main achievements of GEARING Roles and lessons learnt throughout the process.
- Have an open learning discussion on gender mainstreaming and how it may transform gender roles in academic institutions.
- Discuss the sustainability of initiatives aiming at institutional change for gender equality.
- Engage with our partners and sister projects!
On the following day, the 19th of October Gender SMART will also hold its final conference in the morning. In the afternoon the two projects will come together to hold a special event with a focus on the European Year of Youth1. Check the agenda for the joint event here.
The conference will be held in a hybrid mode.
Online registration is mandatory: please find the registration form at this link: https://t.co/ySwGCEuYIi. Monday 10 October is the last day you can register to attend our conference in person! So please make sure you register soon!
If you are looking for places to stay while in Brussels, please follow this link for some ideas.
12:00 – 13:00 Networking lunch
13:00 – 13:20 Opening
- María Silvestre, Scientific Coordinator of Gearing Roles
- Athanasia Moungou, Gender Sector Unit D4-Democracy & European Values DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
13:20 – 14:15 Keynote Speeches
- “Unpacking reasons for the success of the anti-gender movement”, by Dr. Roman Kuhar, full professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- “Gender Equality in Higher Education: the untold story”, by Dr. Victoria Showunmi, Associate Professor, UCL Institute of Education, University College London
14:15 – 15:30 Panel 1: Successful practices to transform gender roles: experiences from
Gearing Roles – Chaired by: Elisa García, FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology)
- Maria Lucinda Fonseca, IGOT, Universidade de Lisboa
- Ayşe Gül Altınay, Sabanci University
- Merili Tamson, ETAG, Estonian Research Council
- Milica Antić Gaber, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- Anne Laure Humbert, Oxford Brookes University
- Laia Tarragona, University of Deusto
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:15 Panel 2: Aiming for institutional change and sustainability: taking stock – Chaired by: Inge Bleijenbergh, Radboud University
- Maxime Forest, Yellow Window
- Maria Sangiuliano, SmartVenice
- Marina Cacace, Knowledge and Innovation
- Marcela Linková, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- María Bustelo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
17:15 – 17:25: Competition Resistances to Gender Equality Awards Ceremony
17:25 – 17:40: Launch of Gearing Roles Handbook for Creating a Gender-Sensitive Curriculum. Teaching and Learning Strategies
17:40 – 18:00: Final remarks
- María López Belloso, University of Deusto
Please don´t hesitate to contact the GEARING Roles Project Team if you have any enquiries on: olivia.iannelli@trilateralresearch.com
Download the poster for the conference agenda (link to poster here).
Following GEARING-ROLES final conference and GENDER-SMART final conference, the two projects have come together to hold a special event with a focus on the European Year of Youth.
The event will take place in Brussels on 19th October 2022 at the Museum of Natural Sciences (Rue Vautier 29, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium), starting at 2pm (CET).
14:00: Welcome by coordinators
- Nadine Zakhia, Coordinator of Gender-SMART, CIRAD
- María Silvestre, Coordinator of Gearing-ROLES, University of Deusto
14:10: Roundtable “Youth and gender equality in the digital age: For an inclusive, equal, and creative future”
Moderated by: Ayse Gül Altinay (Sabancı University)
- Manon Deshayes, European Youth Forum
- Charlotte Waeyenbergh, Academics for Development
- Panayiota Polykarpou, Cyprus University of Technology
- Estibaliz Linares, University of Deusto
- Aisling Molloy, Teagasc
- Fulya Kama Özelkan, Sabancı University
15:40: “Perspectives on Gender and the digital age”, by Elisabeth Lipiatou, DG Connect
16:00: Closure of event by coordinators
16:05: Farewell coffee
16:30: End of Event
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