WP5 – Leadership and Decision-Making



Our goals

  • Encourage equal representation and participation in leadership and decision-making.
  • Analyse and redefine leadership models from a gender perspective.
  • Support awareness raising and behavioural changes towards inclusive leadership.

Interesting Resources

Identified best practices

In this interactive maps you will find some of the best practices that we have identified in Europe.




You can query the more detailed information (among projects in other countries) in the next table.


ContinentCountryActionInstutionType of interventionMore detailed information
GlobalGlobalAcademia NetDatasetClick to find out more
EuropeanEuropeanEWORANetworkingClick to find out more
EuropeanUKAdvance HEUniversities UK and GuildHETrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanUKThe Gender, Leadership and Inclusion Centre (GLIC)Cranfield School of ManagementResearchClick to find out more
EuropeanUKThe Leicester Academic Career MapUniversity of LeicesterTrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanSwedenIDAS (Identification, Development, Advancement and Support)Association of Swedish Higher Education InstitutionsNetworking, Training, TrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanSwedenGENIE (Gender Initiative for Excellence)Chalmers University of Technology of GothenburgAwareness RaisingClick to find out more
EuropeanSwedenAction Plan for Gender Mainstreaming 2017-2019University of KarlstadAwareness Raising,TrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanSwedenAKKA ProgrammeLund UniversityAwareness RaisingClick to find out more
EuropeanNorwayKIF CommitteeKIF Committee and The Norwegian Association of Higher Education InstitutionsTrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanNorwayGender Equality at NTNUPositive action/direct supportClick to find out more
EuropeanNorwayAction Plan for Equal Opportunities 2016-2020University of AgderPositive action/direct supportClick to find out more
EuropeanNorwayWomen towards the Top-UiS in Movement and BalanceUniversity of StavangerPositive action/direct supportClick to find out more
EuropeanNorwayProgramme on Gender Balance in Senior Positions and Research Management (BALANSE)Research Council of NorwayPositive action/direct supportClick to find out more
EuropeanNorwayAction Plan for Improving the Gender Balance in Academic PositionsNorwegian School of Economics (NHH)TrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanSpainActions to foster women leadershipInstitute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)MentoringClick to find out more
EuropeanSpainGrant to the mothers of ScienceBarcelona Institute of Science & Technology (BIST) and Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)Positive action/direct supportClick to find out more
EuropeanSpainCátedra on Equal GenderUniversity of ZaragozaPositive action/direct support,TrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanSpainAKADEMEUniversity of the Basque Country (UPVTraining, NetworkingClick to find out more
EuropeanDenmarkDiversity and EqualityUniversity of CopenhagenPositive action/direct supportClick to find out more
EuropeanItalyGender Plan for the gender policy applicationUniversity of CamerinoPositive action/direct supportClick to find out more
EuropeanItalyApplication of FESTA HandbookFondazione Bruno KesslerPositive action/direct support, NetworkingClick to find out more
EuropeanGermanyWomen Professors Forum (WPF)Ruhr University BochumClick to find out more
EuropeanSwitzerlandGender equality in recruitment procedure for professorsUniversity of BernPositive action/direct supportClick to find out more
AmericaUSAGME Women in Medicine Leadership CouncilStanford University - School of MedicineMentoring, TrainingClick to find out more
AmericaUSAAPA’s third annual Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology - LIWPMentoring, TrainingClick to find out more
AmericaUSAWomen's Leadership Development Institute (WLDI)Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU)TrainingClick to find out more
AmericaUSALEADERS InstituteAmerican Association for Women in Community Colleges (AAWCC)TrainingClick to find out more
AmericaUSABRIDGESUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillMentoring, TrainingClick to find out more
AmericaCanadaAcademic Women's Association (AWA)University of CalgaryAwareness RaisingClick to find out more
AmericaCanadaWomen in Academic LeadershipUniversity of ManitobaMentoring, Positive action/direct supportClick to find out more
AfricaKeniaKENYATTA University He4She ExperienceClick to find out more
AfricaTanzaniaHigher Education Leadership Programme (HELP)CODESRIAResearch,TrainingClick to find out more
AfricaUgandaHigher Education Leadership Programme for Women HERS AcademyThe School of Women and Gender Studies of Makerere UniversityTrainingClick to find out more
AfricaEast AfricaThe Higher Education Resource Services East Africa HERS-EA AcademyPositive action/direct supportClick to find out more
AfricaSouth AfricaHERS-SAAwareness RaisingClick to find out more
AsiaBangladeshConnect TaskAsian University for WomenNetworkingClick to find out more
AsiaIndia and NepalUGC Capacity Development Workshops for Women Managers in HEThe Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia IslamiaTrainingClick to find out more
AsiaIsraelPromoting Women at the InstituteHolon Institute for TechnologyAwareness Raising, Training, Positive action/direct supportClick to find out more
OceaniaNew ZealandWomen in Leadership at Otago Programme (WiLO)University of OtagoTrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanBelgiumDiversity Plan 2019-2024Meise Botanic GardenPositive Action / Direct SupportClick to find out more
AsiaPakistanPakistani Educational Leadership Project - PELPPlymouth State UniversityTrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanNorwayDean SchoolUniversities NorwayTrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanPolandPoland's new autonomy and governance framework for higher educationMinistry of National EducationPositive Action / Direct InterventionClick to find out more
EuropeanEuropeanHUMANE Leadership Training InitiativesHeads of University Management and Administration Network in Europe - HUMANETrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanEuropeanEuropean Guidelines and Quality Labels for new Curricula Fostering e-Leadership SkillsEuropean CommissionTrainingClick to find out more
AsiaArab RegionArab European Leadership Network in Higher Education – ARELENUniversities in the Arab RegionNetworkingClick to find out more
EuropeanEuropeanLeadership Development ProgrammeEuropean Consortium of Innovative Universities - ECIUTrainingClick to find out more
EuropeanEuropeanU4 Academic Leadership ProgrammeGhent University, Göttingen University, Groningen University, and Uppsala UniversityTrainingClick to find out more
VenezuelaLidera - Programa de Formación de Jóvenes en LiderazgoUniversidad Católica Andrés Bello, Instituto de Estudios Superior de Administración y Universidad MetropolitanaTrainingClick to find out more
GlobalGlobalEspacio de Mujeres Líderes en Educación Superior de las Américas (EMULIES)Inter-American Organization for Higher EducationSocial Commitment, Innovation, Internationalization, Sustainable Development, Organizational Management and LeadershipClick to find out more
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