WP3 – Environment and Cultural Assesment



Our goals

  • Collect relevant data on procedures, practices, and gender bias in the unique contexts of all GEARING-Roles partners at the regional, national, and institutional levels.
  • Analyse and compare contextual factors at play that support or limit gender equality in institutions.
  • Provide recommendations on the design of GEPs based on institutional priorities.

Interesting Resources

Fact Sheets

Factsheet on UDEUSTO Institutional Assessment

Factsheet on Sabanci University Institutional Assessment

Factsheet on IGOT Institutional Assessment

Factsheet on OBU Institutional Assessment

Factsheet on UL FF Institutional Assessment

Factsheet on ETAg Institutional Assessment

Tools and Resources


In the table below, we have tried to structure some relevant resources that can inspire GEP implementers to design their actions. These initiatives do not pretend to be exhaustive but to provide some ideas about how to tackle the issues arising.


Tool / ResourceInstitution TypeDescription
Sex-disaggregated dataEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)Sex-disaggregated databasesAny data on individuals broken down by sex. Gender statistics rely on these sex-disaggregated data and reflect the realities of the lives of women and men and policy issues relating to gender.

Data collected and tabulated separately for women and men. They allow for the measurement of differences between women and men on various social and economic dimensions and are one of the requirements in obtaining gender statistics. However, gender statistics are more than data disaggregated by sex. Having data by sex does not guarantee, for example, that concepts, definitions and methods used in data production are conceived to reflect gender roles, relations and inequalities in society
Toolkit for mainstreaming and implementing Gender EqualityOECDSex-disaggregated databasesGender-differentiated data and information must be available for policy makers to be able to assess the situation and develop appropriate, evidence-based responses and policies. Such data must be collected and analysed within the policy-making process, ideally covering several years to track changes and take corrective action. Civil society organizations, including NGOs and women’s groups, can be precious allies in gathering information about the potential or actual impact of government policies, and they should be consulted regularly. Surveys, interviews, reviews, opinion polls and benchmarking are also effective methods for obtaining and analysing data on diversity policies, as well as desk review, household interviews, focus group discussion. Finally, building public servants’ awareness and expertise through information campaigns and training is also important
She Figures 2018European CommissionSex-disaggregated databasesThe ‘She figures’ publication provides a range of indicators on gender equality in research and innovation at pan-European level. It aims to give an overview of the gender equality situation, using a wide range of indicators to examine the impact and effectiveness of policies implemented in this area
Developing gender statistics: a practical toolThe United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)Sex-disaggregated databasesReference manual prepared by the UNECE Task Force on Gender Statistics Training for Statisticians with contributions from various experts
Data2X | Partnering for Better Gender DataData2XSex-disaggregated databasesData2X is a collaborative technical and advocacy platform, working through partnerships to improve the availability, quality, and use of gender data to make a practical difference in the lives of women and girls worldwide
Equality, diversity and inclusion at universities: the power of a systemic approachLeague of European Research Universities (LERU)Under-representation of womenIn this paper we argue that EDI within universities can be more effectively promoted using a comprehensive approach: - to address inclusion and enhanced representation of all under-represented groups, - to aim at the entire academic community of staff and students together, and - to make the content of both the research and the research-led curriculum more inclusive.
Gender Equality Strategy in EU Research & InnovationEuropean CommissionUnder-representation of womenThe European Commission strategy for gender equality in research and innovation
What some countries are doing to promote gender equality in education OECDUnder-representation of womenIn 2014, the OECD circulated a Questionnaire on Policies to Promote Gender Equality in Education to all PISA-participating countries and economies. The questionnaire gathered information on publicly funded policies, programmes and initiatives that address gender discrimination and stereotyping in education. The questionnaire asked countries to provide information on the objectives and characteristics of each initiative, the amount of public
Power and resistance in gender equality strategies: comparing quotas and small wins. In Ronald Burke, Savita Kumra and Ruth Simpson (eds.) The Oxford handbook of gender in organizations. Oxford: Oxford University PressOxford University PressGender quotasGender equality strategies involve changing processes of power and therefore invoke resistance. In this chapter, we review existing research on change towards gender equality in organizations. We summarize the different strategies and zoom in on the post-equity or small wins experiments and quota regulations. We analyze these contrasting intervention strategies in terms of the power processes they invoke and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. This comparison between post-equity and quota strategies suggests that they can be complementary. Quotas force an increase the numbers of women in managerial positions, but if gendered processes in the organization do not change, these women might leave again. Post-equity experiments help to change these processes, and involve many organization members in the change of daily practices and underlying values. We argue that the combination of inclusive and transformational interventions leads to a synergy that is the most promising strategy for change
Gender Quotas DatabaseThe International Institute for Democracy & Electoral Assistance (IDEA)Gender quotasAn increasing number of countries are currently introducing various types of gender quotas for public elections: In fact, half of the countries of the world today use some type of electoral quota for their parliament.

This website reveals that the use of electoral gender quotas is much more widespread than is commonly held
Gender Quotas As Transformative Equality RemediesCambridge University PressGender quotasGender Quotas As Transformative Equality Remedies. (2018). In É Lépinard & R. Rubio-Marín (Eds.), Transforming Gender Citizenship: The Irresistible Rise of Gender Quotas in Europe (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society, pp. 39-154). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Gender quotas are a controversial policy measure. However, over the past twenty years they have been widely adopted around the world and especially in Europe. They are now used in politics, corporate boards, state and local public administration and even in civil society organizations. This book explores this unprecedented phenomenon, providing a unique comparative perspective on gender quotas' adoption across thirteen European countries. It also studies resistance to gender quotas by political parties and supreme courts. Providing up-to-date comprehensive data on gender quotas regulations, Transforming Gender Citizenship proposes a typology of countries, from those which have embraced gender quotas as a new way to promote gender equality in all spheres of social life, to those who have consistently refused gender quotas as a tool for gender equality. Reflecting on divergences and commonalities across Europe, the authors analyze how gender quotas may transform dominant conception of citizenship and gender equality. Presents a comparative perspective on gender quotas' adoption across thirteen European countries Addresses political and legal struggles around the adoption of gender quotas in political parties, electoral politics, corporate boards and public administration Documents transnational diffusion of gender quotas as well as the supranational influence of European institutions in this process
Senior Academic Leadership Initiative (SALI)Higher Education Authority (HEA)LeadershipThe SALI is a new initiativerun by the Higher Education Authority (HEA)funded by the Department of Education and Skills (DES) aimed at taking positive action toaccelerate gender equality goals and objectives in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Ireland
Actions to close the gender pay gapGOV.UKGender pay gap Employers have asked us which actions are likely to improve recruitment and progression of women and reduce the gender pay gap.

This guidance summarises approaches that have been shown to work and those which need more evidence before they can be recommended as widespread approaches. This will help employers create more effective action plans.

Employers who use high quality data to understand the drivers of their gender pay gap will be able to target their actions and therefore deliver the most effective results.
Gender pay-gapEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)Gender pay gapGender pay gap repository
Equal pay for work of equal value UN WomenGender pay gap Worldwide, women only make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. As a result, there’s a lifetime of income inequality between men and women and more women are retiring into poverty.

This stubborn inequality in the average wages between men and women persists in all countries and across all sectors, because women’s work is under-valued and women tend to be concentrated in different jobs than men. Even though the work itself may require equal or more effort and skills, it’s valued and remunerated less. For women of colour, immigrant women and mothers, the gap widens. The so-called “motherhood penalty” pushes women into informal economy, casual and part-time work, and tends to be larger in developing countries than in developed countries
Closing the gender pay gap: A review of the issues, policy mechanisms and international evidenceInternational Labour OfficeGender pay gapWhile the gender pay gap is difficult to measure, the ILO estimates that if the current trends prevail, it will take more than 70 years before the gender wage gap is closed completely (ILO 2016). This paper aspires to review key issues, policy mechanisms and international evidence with respect to closing the gender pay gap. Furthermore, as the gender wage gap is unrelated to a country’s economic development, research is needed to understand how an equitable distribution of economic growth can be achieved (ILO 2016)
Gender Equality Index 2019. Work-life balanceEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)Work-life balanceEIGE’s Gender Equality Index shows that advances in gender equality are still moving at a snail’s pace, but we are heading in the right direction. There are big improvements in the domain of power, as more women are taking on decision-making positions, especially in company boardrooms across Europe
Implementing Measures for Gender Equality in Recruitment, Promotion and Progression in Academic and Research CareersGENOVATEGender inequalities in recruitmentContextualised Guidelines for Universities and Research Organisations
Removing sex bias from recruitment and selectionEquality Commission For Northern IrelandGender inequalities in recruitmentThe Equal Opportunities Commission for Northern Ireland is a statutory body established under the Sex Discrimination (NI) Order 1976 whose remit it is to work towards the elimination of discrimination, to promote equality of opportunity between men and women generally and to keep under review the working of the Order and the Equal Pay Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 as amended. In order to carry out these responsibilities, the Commission utilises a number of strategies including the provision of advice and assistance to employees, employers, trade unions and others with respect to their rights and obligations under the law
Gender equitable recruitment and promotionAustralian Government Gender inequalities in recruitmentGender bias is pervasive at work and in organisations, creating inequalities at every stage of the employment cycle. Gender-based stereotypes affect which candidates get recruited for certain roles and which do not, which candidates get selected for those roles and why, how salaries are negotiated, how managers provide feedback to their employees, and which employees receive career development opportunities and career encouragement and which do not. Each of these factors compounds across women’s careers, producing and sustaining gender inequality from recruitment to selection to promotion
Guidelines for gender neutral recruitmentAustralian Government Gender inequalities in recruitmentGender neutral recruitment is the removal of gender-identifying information from the application or resume of an applicant to minimise the risk of bias occurring against the applicant based on their gender
Factsheet: Diversity & Equality & The Recruitment ProcessMartin Searle SolicitorsGender inequalities in recruitmentEffective recruitment is the key to having the people with the right skills, expertise and qualifications in the right jobs. Diversity and equality of opportunity should be central to the process
Mentoring and sponsorshipWomen In ResearchMentorship/sponsorshipThere is an argument that one of the reasons women aren’t making it to the top of organisations is that there is a lack of advocacy by both men and women. Mentors and sponsors can provide this advocacy. However, women are less likely than men to ask for a mentor or sponsor.

Women are also less likely to apply for promotions or senior roles. In fact, they often wait to be asked to apply. Mentors and sponsors can overcome this by encouraging women to apply for promotions and senior positions that become available. Encouragement is a predictor of career progression for women
Mentoring for gender equality and organisational change Employee Relations Mentorship/sponsorshipIn this paper we examine a formal mentoring programme from the perspective of the mentors, with the aim of assessing how they see it affecting themselves, their mentees and their workplace culture. Because we are interested in showing how mentoring can become part of a process of organisational intervention, the focus of our discussion is on the mentors rather than on the mentees. We explore gender differences in the way male and female mentors may experience mentoring, as well as potential barriers to successful mentoring
Guidance to facilitate the implementation of targets to promote gender equality in research and innovationEuropean CommissionRaising awarenessThis guidance draws on the national action plans (NAPs) submitted in 2016 and on a survey carried out by the Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (HG) on practices adopted at national level by national authorities. It provides recommendations to facilitate the implementation of guiding targets in research institutions and higher education establishments as requested by the Council of the EU
A guide for gender equality in teacher education policy and practicesUNESCORaising awarenessA guide for gender equality in teacher education policy and practices
Professionally speaking: challenges to achieving equality for LGBT peopleEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental RightsEquality of LGBT+This research focused on the drivers and barriers such frontline officers face when doing their job. It was the first time ever that public officials, teachers, doctors, nurses and law enforcement officers in 19 EU Member States were interviewed about their experiences and views on efforts to protect and promote the rights of LGBT people. It sheds a light on what works and what does not, on the drivers and barriers to implementing policies and measures that promote diversity, and fighting discrimination and intolerance on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity
Universities’ Strategies and Approaches towards Diversity, Equity and InclusionEuropean University Association (EUA)Equality of LGBT+The present edited volume is a contribution to a European exchange on the role of higher education in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion and the responses of universities to related issues and challenges
Gender-sensitive Mentoring Programme in Academia: A Design ProcessGARCIA (Sister project)Mentorship/sponsorshipThe first aim of this Toolkit on the Mentoring programme (MP) is to enable research institutions and universities to conceive or build a mentoring programme, or to enhance already existing programmes with useful considerations about the academic and research environment and institutional context
Toolkit for Integrating Gender- Sensitive Approach into Researchand TeachingGARCIA (Sister project)Research and TeachingThe idea of this Toolkit is to help researchers integrate gender dimension in their ongo-ing research and teaching (of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses), and to apply while conceiving new projects and students’ curricula – especially those in test institutions involved in the GARCIA project
Gender Perspective in Teaching and Research Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)Research and Teaching“Gender Sensitive Research” is overcoming the covert andocentricity in research projects. Quality research should remove andocentric bias from the design, content, and results (Avramov, 2011: 11; Schiebinger & Schraudner, 2011: 155), be socially inclusive, and guarantee gender balanced research teams and at all decision-making levels
Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in R&IEFFORTI (Sister project)Research and TeachingEFFORTI seeks to analyse and model the influence of measures to promote gender equality on research and innovation outputs and on establishing more responsible and responsive RTDI (research, technology, development, innovation) systems
Tools and Resources on Gender–Sensitive Teaching Methods in Higher EducationBaltic Gender (Sister project) Research and TeachingTools and Resources on Gender–Sensitive Teaching Methods in Higher Education
Evaluation Standards DeGEval – Gesell-schaft für Evaluation (Evaluation SocietyGender inequalities in recruitmentThe following Evaluation Standards are the result of a two-year discussion and preparation process which included a membership survey, an appointed Standards Committee, and a review process
Exploring quotas in academiaEMBOGender quotasThe use of gender quotas in academic hiring and awards is one tool that could mitigate disparities in the number of women and men at the highest levels of academic research
Gendering in ResearchAarhus UniversityResearch and TeachingGendering in Research (GIR) is a network for anyone who is interested in learning more about sex/gender, sexuality, and feminist methodology and how one can approach these topic from a scientific perspective
Guidelines to design customised GEPsTARGET (Sister project)Gender Equality Plans (GEP)The ‘Guidelines to Design a Customised Gender Equality Plan (GEP)’ –(D3.3.) provide concrete guidance for the second stage of the TARGET project for the seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions (GEIIs) participating in the project: three research performing organisations (including two universities -University of Belgrade, Serbia; UH2C, Morocco -and a public research performing organisation -ELIAMEP, Greece), three research funding organisations (ARACIS, Romania; FRRB, Italy; RPF, Cyprus) and a network of universities in the Mediterranean basin (RMEI).
Implicit Gender Biases during Evaluations: How to Raise Awareness and Change Attitudes?European CommissionGender inequalities in recruitmentOn 30-31 May 2017, a Workshop onImplicit Gender Biases during Evaluations: How to Raise Awareness and Change Attitudes?wasorganised by the Gender Sector of the European Commission's Directorate-General Research and Innovation. It aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of what implicit/unconscious gender biases are, how they intervene in evaluative processes, and how they can be addressed within Horizon 2020
genderEDUniversity of EdinburghResearch and TeachingThe idea behind genderED is to create a virtual space to showcase excellence in teaching, research and Knowledge, Exchange, Impact (KEI) in gender and sexuality studies at University of Edinburgh, and to promote connectivity and interdisciplinarity
EqualBITEUniversity of EdinburghGender EqualityEqualBITE is a ‘recipe book’ which aims to share practical and effective strategies for creating more gender balanced working environments in higher education. The recipes were written by University of Edinburgh staff and students, drawing from their real life experiences
7 Practical Ways to Reduce Bias in Your Hiring ProcessHarvard Business SchoolGender inequalities in recruitmentA vast body of research shows that the hiring process is biased and unfair. Unconscious racism, ageism, and sexism play a big role in who gets hired. But there are steps you can take to recognize and reduce these biases. Where should you start? And how can you help others on your team do the same?
Gender Action PortalHarvard Kennedy SchoolGender EqualityThe Women and Public Policy Program’s Gender Action Portal (GAP) is a collection of research evaluating the impact of specific policies, strategies, and organizational practices to advance gender equity. GAP focuses on experimental approaches to evaluate policies—both in the field and in the laboratory—and draws from multiple disciplines, including economics, psychology, and organizational behavior
SAGE ToolkitSAGE (Sister Project)Gender Equality Plans (GEP)Play an active role in the transformation of your institution towards the best gender equality practices at the management and leadership levels by monitoring policy and practice, contributing to culture change, management and work-life balance policy, and embedding gender in research. Demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the actions set in the 4 quadrants of the GEP
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