
Our project is rooted in a vibrant and diverse community, with consortium members and partners from different:

Areas of knowledge

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)

Levels of expertise within the consortium

Newcomers institutions will learn and be supported by non-academic partners and supporting institutions with a sound expertise


Academia, international networks, agencies, foundations


Every participant is committed to working as a solid sustainable consortium where to build mutual learning, real exchanges, and generate tested tools, based on a 4 Is model (Interdisciplinary, Intersectorial, International and Impactful) and following the vision of the three Os (Open Innovation, Open Science, and Open to the World)

GEARING ROLES consortium come from 8 different countries across Europe

This is the incredible team that are developing the GEARING ROLES project:


University of Deusto

UDEUSTO is the coordinator of the GEARING-Roles project as well as one of the six institutions implementing a GEP. UDEUSTO has included all of its departments within the project by utilizing the UDEUSTO Gender Interdisciplinary Platform and with the support of the DeustoTech Industry and the Deusto Foundation. UDEUSTO leads WP2 (project management), thus, it assures the compliance of contractual commitments, organizes consortium meetings, coordinates data collection, monitors the progress of deliverables, and reports to the European Commission. Moreover, UDEUSTO leads WP5 (leadership and decision-making), developing tasks regarding the encouragement of equal representation and participation of women in leadership and decision-making, analysing and redefining leadership models from a gender perspective and finally supporting awareness raising activities and behavioral changes towards inclusive leadership. UDEUSTO also leads the WP1, to guarantee compliance with the ethical requirements of the project.


Instituto De Geografia E Ordenamento Do Território Da Universidade De Lisboa

IGOT is the School of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisboa, it is an essential partner due to their interdisciplinary focus. Although IGOT is not in charge of any specific WP, it holds tasks associated to active participation in the project and is also one of the six GEP implementing institution. Its participation in the GEARING-Roles project will also add significant value and knowledge for the future implementation of GEPs in other departments of the University of Lisboa.


Faculty of Arts University of Ljubljana

UL FF contributes to the project through its Faculty of Arts and is in charge of WP3 (environmental and cultural assessment). UL play an essential role in the project by collecting relevant data on procedures, practices, and gender bias in the unique contexts of all GEARING-Roles partners at the regional, national and institutional level. In addition, it compares the different contextual factors at play that support or limit gender equality in institutions in order to provide recommendations for the designs of the GEPs. UL-FF’s participation in the project will add value and knowledge for the implementation of GEPs in other departments of the University of Ljubljana in the future as well as other institutions across Europe.


Sabanci University

SU is a member of the GEARING-Roles consortium which contributes to the project through the ‘SU Gender’, a center of excellence in gender and women’s studies formed by experts from interdisciplinary backgrounds. SU is not in charge of any specific WP, however, it is a GEP implementing institution. It also plays a vital role within the project due to its position in Eastern Europe and its different institutional makeup such as its academic disciplines and gender programmes.


Oxford Brookes University-OBU

Supported by the cross-institutional Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice, OBU is charge of WP6 (research, education and innovation). Within this WP, OBU promotes gender mainstreaming in research, introduces gender in education by training faculty in the design and development of gender related contents and competences, integrates gender perspective in curricula in all academic disciplines, and promotes community engagement on diversity and inclusion.


Estonian research council-ERC

ETAG is a governmental foundation that manages the funding of R&D and guarantees the functioning of research financing and research policy in Estonia. It represents Estonia at international organisations, analyses research information for funding decisions, organizes the evaluation of research organizations, and disseminates research among the public. Within GEARING-Roles, ETAG is not in charge of any specific WP, however it is a GEP implementing institution and actively participates in project activities. It brings added value to the consortium due to its position in Western Europe and its research expertise.


Yellow Window-YW

YW is a multidisciplinary consultancy specializing in product, service and policy design. Its areas of expertise are gender equality and social innovation. It is in charge of WP7 (capacity building, training and support), and it contributes to the project through its vast experience in designing, organizing and facilitating gender trainings, workshops, online discussions/consultations, stakeholder consultations, and supporting the preparation and implementation of GEPs.


Euraxess Fecyt-Euraxess

FECYT is a public foundation which is part of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Its mission is to boost science, technology and innovation within Spain and Europe. In GEARING-Roles, it develops tasks that are mainly related to EURAXESS services and supports the dissemination of the project’s results. As the WP4 leader (career progression and H.R. management), it promotes the implementation of the ‘Open, transparent, merit-based recruitment toolkit’, trains participating institutions on how to develop research career development strategies embedded in the GEPs and develops a mentoring program for female researchers.



TRI is a multidisciplinary research services company that collaborates across social science and technology development to support data-driven innovation. It is in charge of WP8 (dissemination and outreach) thus, it coordinates project-wide communication, dissemination and outreach activities, engages with change agents and key stakeholders in gender and equality in research and innovation across Europe, disseminates practical information and guidelines on methods and instruments for institutional change and facilitates collaboration with project partners, research organizations and other projects/networks.



Holding a strong focus on research, RU is in charge of WP9 (impact assessment and evaluation). Thus, it ensures that external assessment mechanisms are in place for the evaluation of the effectiveness of GEPs before evaluating the design of consortium partners’ GEPs through guidelines and KPIs, and analysing the overall impact of the implementation of GEPs in addressing gender inequality.

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